It's also worth mentioning that, while they are used commonly in the creation of quests and such, Papyrus fragments are not covered in this tutorial. In the meantime, if you run into "function not defined" errors and don't know why, take a look at my " Accessing External Functions and Properties in Papyrus" tutorial, which was written to help with exactly that. If you expect to do more than very simple scripting, or if you're interested in the technical details of papyrus, then keep a look out for this upcoming tutorial. More complex features, such as states and loops, will be discussed in a later tutorial, in which I will go into more technical detail. Not every aspect of Papyrus is covered in this tutorial, but if you expect only to have to write simple scripts and you aren't interested in the technical side of things, then it should be enough to get you going. After that, I will talk about some of Papyrus' more useful features. The first section of this tutorial is a "My First Script" tutorial, in which you will write a simple script in order to familiarise yourself with the process.
#Skyrim creation kit guide how to
This tutorial is aimed at people with little or no prior programming experience, and is an introduction to Papyrus that shows you how to use its simpler features without going too in-depth or getting too technical. In order to define this behaviour, you will need to use Skyrim's scripting language, Papyrus. When modding Skyrim, you will likely find yourself needing to define behaviour that cannot be set up with the Creation Kit, like removing a key from the player when they open a door, or killing a character when a lever is pulled. 27 th February 2012 Papyrus for Beginners Introduction